Nutritional coaching

FM nutrition coaching takes into account all aspects of life. The aim is to increase well-being holistically. 

FM nutrition coaching is suitable for all ages. My clients have included babies, children and adolescents as well as adults and seniors. 

What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine is based on science and solid research, combining biochemistry, microbiology and physiology. The whole story of a client's life is important, and during the consultation we go through every stage of it, from maternal pregnancy through childhood and adolescence to the present day.

In addition to the current nutritional status, I will assess the digestive and intestinal status, liver and immune function. I will also look at hormone balance, oxidative stress, energy, mental and spiritual balance. Sleep, relationships and purpose in life also play a role in the whole.

Funktionaalisen lääketieteen matriksi

Previous laboratory tests and examinations are helpful, so it's a good idea to bring them with you to your appointment. If necessary, I can also order functional medicine laboratory tests or gut analyses for you.

After your appointment, I will send you an email with an individualised treatment plan that takes into account your current life situation and your capacity to make changes. Together, we will agree on goals and make a plan on how and at what pace to proceed to make your lifestyle changes permanent.

The treatment programme includes tips on diet, supplements, sleep, exercise, recovery and stress management.

In general, the longer you have had health problems, the longer it takes to recover. Sometimes you take giant steps forward, but often you take a few steps back. It is therefore a good idea to book a follow-up meeting at the first appointment. At the follow-up meeting, we will review your progress in making changes and based on this, I will provide you with more specific instructions for the future.

You can read more about functional medicine on the website of the Institute of Functional Medicine and the website of Finnish Society for Functional Medicine. sivuilta.

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